Secret Love Affair Script: Episode 13 – The Happy Couple

Translator: @seungshinl
Subtitles: @blindd
Aired Dialogue Translation: Viki

Note: The following Script translation is in two parts, each with corresponding video.  Anything other than dialogue is the translation of direction given in the Script.  Aired scenes and dialogue not in the Script, are labeled in brackets and italicized.


This installment of the Script translation is a prelude to the The Madhouse but a direct fall out of The Pottery Studio conversation.  It is the result of Hye Won’s plan, the one Seon Jae vehemently disagrees with.

I learned something new from the Script that was not obvious at all on the screen.  In fact I interpreted the scene in a completely different way.  According to the Script, Joon Hyung tries to cause Seon Jae pain and enjoys doing it, and Seon Jae knows it.  But Seon Jae isn’t in pain because he’s jealous but because Hye Won’s plan is causing her so much pain.

The Happy Couple

Episode 13

Scene 70. The Academy, Music Studio

Quintet practice continues, for the first time in his life Seon Jae is playing in a Quintet, enjoying the sounds of other instruments

SJ: (voice-over) Oh Hye Won Seonsaengnim [teacher] I’m playing in something called a quintet for the first time in my life.

Scene 71. Art Centre, Hye Won’s Office

Hye Won is leaning against her desk

SJ: (voice-over) I’m worried about having to go to your house, but for now I’m happy.  You said music conquers all.  It is to my regret that I can’t share it with you.

Hye Won’s heart is feeling numb, Seon Jae’s choice of words shows he is angry (I am making him be so…)

[Aired Scene, not in Script]

HW: I picked out your outfit to go with mine.

JH: Won’t you pick out one for Seon Jae as well?

HW: I don’t think he needs my help.  He picked the one that suits his unique style.  …Okay.

JH: Hey, Seon Jae.  My assistant will arrive a bit early.

[Aired Scene, not in Script]

SJ: I understand.  Yes, Sir.

Scene 72. Seon Jae’s Home

Seon Jae is sitting on the steps, he does not want to go, really does not want to go

A text arrives, he checks

HW: (voice-over) I know you don’t want to come over.  Still, come anyway.

Seon Jae gets up and yanks the socks from the clothesline

Scene 73. Hye Won’s Home, Living Room

Seon Jae and Jong Soo come through the front entrance and take off their shoes

Joon Hyung comes out to cheerfully greet them

JH: Welcome.

Jong Soo: Hello.

JH: Did you tell Min Woo you won’t be able to go to his going away party?

Jong Soo: No, we just told him we’d be a bit late…

JH: Call again and say that you can’t go.  We should stay and help these people out.

Jong Soo: Certainly.

In the living room, a photographer with his assistant is getting ready

Hye Won is on the sofa having her make up touched up

In the kitchen, Mee Soo is preparing a large tray of finger food

Joon Hyung, Jong Soo, and Seon Jae come into the living room

Hye Won briefly greets them without making eye contact with Seon Jae

HW: Come in…

Seon Jae bows but does not look Hye Won in the eye

Editor: (with admiration) Goodness, he looks so much better in person.

JH: Come be introduced.  You know Baek Seok, the monthly magazine?  She is the newly appointed editor.

Seon Jae bows

[Aired dialogue, not in script]

Editor: Ah, you must let me have an exclusive interview, okay?

JH: You heard, right?

Jong Soo is helping out the photographer

Hye Won has no expression but breaks out in cold sweat, the make up artist retouches her make up

[Aired dialogue, not in script]

HW: Change your clothes.

JH: Ah, that’s right.  We have a bit of time, no?

Editor: Yes.  You can take your time.

JH: Let’s go upstairs for a minute.

Joon Hyung takes Seon Jae’s arm and goes upstairs

Seon Jae sneaks a peek at Hye Won on his way up

Hye Won stares straight ahead

Scene 74. Hye Won’s Bedroom

Seon Jae goes in behind Joon Hyung, he is numb… (their bedroom…)

Joon Hyung points to a tidy set of clothing on a hanger on the sofa

JH: What do you think of this?  My wife picked it out.

Seon Jae, (I’m looking at it, what do you want to hear from me?)

Joon Hyung smiles (you must be in agony…)

JH: Why so uptight?  Change at your leisure and come down…okay.

Joon Hyung taps Seon Jae on the shoulder

Seon Jae, (I should?)

Joon Hyung leaves with a gentle tightening of his jaw

Seon Jae hears Joon Hyung leaving behind him

Seon Jae sees two separate beds, (the small one must be Hye Won’s)

On a side table of the meticulously tidy beds, there is Richter’s book and a pair of glasses

Seon Jae goes toward the bed then turns around, he feels like his body is being ripped apart

A window with the blinds half closed, Seon Jae sits on the sofa by the window and looks out, (this must be where she looked out the window to see me)

He sits feeling numb, his emotions unable to be consoled, Joon Hyung’s clothes on the sofa makes it even more humiliating

Scene 75. Hye Won’s Living Room

Joon Hyung and Hye Won are sitting side by side answering questions while being photographed

Half way down the stairs, Seon Jae is on his way down with Joon Hyung’s clothes on

HW: There are so many classmates or same major couples in this field unlike others.

Editor: Aren’t you being too businesslike right now?

JH: Ah, ha ha.  We can be hot when we’d like.

Joon Hyung touches Hye Won’s cheek

Hye Won, a frozen smile

Seon Jae sits on the stairs, the interview continues

Editor: To be sure, you seem more like lovers than a married couple.

JH: Gees…

Editor: Do you perhaps have any plans to have children?  I ask only because I heard a while ago you say that you purposefully don’t have children.

JH: That was our plan, yes, but these days she keeps tempting me.

HW: (to finish the interview as quickly as possible) We’re trying.

[Aired dialogue, not in script]

Editor: Ah, I see.  I hope for good results for you.  What shall I ask next…

Seon Jae has no doubt Hye Won is lying

He feels so bad for Hye Won, he cannot endure hearing it anymore

Jong Soo quietly calls for Seon Jae

Jong Soo: Lee Seon Jae

Seon Jae looks up

Jong Soo: You need to come down.

SJ: Yes… (stands)

Scene 76. Hye Won’s Music Room

Seon Jae follows Jong Soo into the room

Seon Jae hears nothing, he decides not to hear anything

Joon Hyung cheerfully comes toward Seon Jae

Hye Won is sitting on the sofa

The photo team, the editor, and Joon Hyung happily chat, the ashen faces of Hye Won and Seon Jae, sounds of the shutters of a camera

On the sofa, Seon Jae forces a smile sitting between Joon Hyung and Hye Won

Hye Won’s smile is gruesome

[Aired Scene, not in Script]

JH: Ah, here he comes.

Editor: Wow, he looks nice.

JH: You see, [that shirt] brings your face out completely!

Editor: We will take a few shots of him playing, okay?  No pressure.  Take good shots, please!

JH: Play a piece you’re comfortable with.  Take a look at the camera once.  Let’s play the one you’ve performed before.  With an extension.

Seon Jae akwardly smiles at the camera

[Aired Scene, not in Script]

JH: Seon Jae, won’t you sit in the middle.

Photographer: That’s right.  Please do.  Go on, sit in the middle.

JH: Sit, do sit down.

Photographer: All right, then I’ll start taking some shots… It’s okay to smile a bit.

Photographer: But you seem to have…a bit of gap between you.  Can you two get closer?  That’s right.  It looks nice.
