Tag Archives: Episode 10

My Sin

Originally published in Soompi Forum: [Drama 2014] jTBC – Secret Love Affair 밀회, Septemeber 17, 2014.

Author: @shamrockmom

My Sin

The sun is setting as I make my way home from work on the freeway. Even though it’s after 6pm, it’s still over 90F and the heat is relentless. My sons have sent me text messages today at work—Mom, I need more Gatorade, I’m out– and –Mom, I’m out of Chapstick again, can you pick some up tonight?– Ah, geez, a Mother’s struggle. These boys always need something. I head to the 99 cent store, since it’s on my way to someplace else (I need to pick up my son’s buddy at his work.) I park my car in the trash-strewn lot and take my reusable bags. I find one of the least battered looking purple carts, and start my shopping trip.

I pick up the Gatorade in all the colors my son likes: electric blue, neon yellow, bright red, and I wonder if he likes those colors because he too is Obsessive-Compulsive like Jang Jae-Yeol in It’s OK that’s Love. That must be it, I think. My next stop is the aisle where the Chapsticks are. I look for the twin pack. My oldest son constantly leaves them in his shirt pockets and they go through the wash, so buying just one chapstick for him is a losing business. As I reach for the twin pack—I see it. Yes, the brown plaid handkerchief, there on the shelf, looking just like the one Hye Won gave to Seon Jae in Episode 10. I’ve seen it here before, but I’ve only looked at it longingly. I have thought about buying it to add to my K-drama trinket collection, but I’ve never had the fortitude. Tonight, I am brave. I actually pick up the package and hold it in my hand. Surprisingly, it doesn’t feel weird or strange…it’s only 99 cents…and there is a nice white virginal looking handkerchief in the package with it…hmm, it should be okay to get it. I look around the aisle, there is no one around. I feel like I am living a dark and dangerous dream, as I put it in the cart with the Chapsticks and Gatorades and make my way to the cash register.

While I’m in line, I look around furtively. Everyone in line seems preoccupied, no one is paying any attention to me. Good thing no one here watches K-drama’s, otherwise somebody would say something to me, especially if they could see the Angel Eyes whistle that is still dangling from my purse. (I dread the day that I go to H-Mart to buy the seaweed snacks I crave and get outed for being a 15 year old fangirl) The cashier is similarly disinterested in my purchases, and my heart begins to race. I’m going to have a brown plaid handkerchief of my own very soon!

On my way out of the store, I open the package and take out the handkerchiefs and put them in my purse; the package goes into the trashcan at the front of the store. It will be easier to hide my sin if there’s no package in the trash at home. I put all the shopping bags in the car and get back on the freeway; hopefully the classical music radio station from Seohan West (aka USC) will play something good to take my mind off what I’ve just done.

I pick up my son’s buddy and take him home. Our conversation distracts me from thinking about the sinful thing I have just bought, now buried in my purse.
When I get home, the house is hot and dark. Could my boys not have left a light on for me? Aish! But then, to my great joy, I realize the house is empty—one son is at school, the other is at work. I have peace, at least for a moment. I open my purse and take out the brown plaid handkerchief. As I look at it, I wonder…is this really the same plaid pattern as the one in the show? It’s close; I gotta get my new computer with the HD connection hooked up to know for sure. I unfold it slowly, and it’s truly a 99 cent store handkerchief, the thread count must be 60, maybe 70 per square inch. It’s very rough…not soft at all….Seon Jae wouldn’t like it, he would want it to be soft like his t-shirts, but Hye Won probably washed it a bunch of times before she gave it to him, so it would definitely be soft. And it would smell good too, like her hand lotion or perfume. My hand shakes as I hold it close to my face. I breathe in..hmm, doesn’t smell like anything…but if I washed it….it would smell like Tide and Downy, and that would be a good start. I will put it in the wash later.

Then I get another weird thought…I should put the handkerchief on top of my piano and see what it looks like there. Oh, no. That would be too much. The brutal heat and humidity tonight makes me weak. I walk over and put the handkerchief on top of the piano. To my great relief, it doesn’t look the same as when Seon Jae had it resting on top of that black grand piano during the concert at Seohan. Still, I feel very strange as I look at it. The fans in my house are blowing the hot air around and I wonder if I’m going to go to an equally hot place for what I am about to do next. I reach for my cell phone and take a picture of the handkerchief on the piano, forever documenting my sin. Truly, I have sunk to the bottom with this. My Secret Love Affair addiction has overtaken my brain. I feel guilty and ashamed. Only my friends on the Soompi forums and the few brave souls who read my SLA Fan Fiction on the Piano Conversations blog would understand me now. If they were here with me tonight, they would comfort me with their LOL’s, and not call the mental health authorities. Maybe they would even share their goofy SLA stories too, and I wouldn’t feel so alone.

I take the handkerchief from the piano, and I decide that after I wash it a few times, I will put it in my purse. I have an extra plastic case for my sunglasses; I can put the handkerchief in there, and no one will ever know. It will be my secret, a little trinket I can carry around with me, and take out and look at in my most private moments. It will remind me of all the crazy things I’ve done, and more importantly, all the amazing things that have happened in my life since I started watching Secret Love Affair.


RACHMANINOFF: Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganini, Op. 43 – Sergei Rachmaninoff

Video: dreamlandtreemusic

Sergei Rachmaninoff: Piano.  Philadelphia Orchestra, Leopold Stokowski: Conductor.  Recorded December 24, 1934.

This recording was made in the Camden Church Studio number 2 with 70 musicians of the Philadelphia Orchestra and released on Victor Records.  Read more here.

Update: Live Chat Summary – REWATCH SCHEDULE: Week Five – Episodes 9 & 10 – Live Chat on Soompi – Sunday September 14

Update: Summary of Week Five Live Chat below

Live Chat on Soompi



Start Date: Monday, September 8, 2014

Episodes: 9 and 10

Live Chat: Sunday, September 14, 2014

Time Zone                                     Live Chat Time

UTC                                        Sun 11 pm – Mon 2 am

EDT                   UTC-4          Sun 7 – 10 pm

EST/CDT           UTC-5          Sun 6 – 9 pm

CST/MDT         UTC-6          Sun 5 – 8 pm

MST/PDT         UTC-7          Sun 4 – 7 pm

PST                    UTC-8          Sun 3 – 6 pm

Update: Summary of Soompi Live Chat published by @gretac on Soompi, September 26, 2014

Secret Love Affair live chat September 14, 2014

Episodes 9 and 10

Soompi SLA thread pages 674 – 676 with several codas through page 677


Dangerous steps, gathering strength, dark hallway

• Metaphors for what OHW is about to do, the journey home.

• Her own steps are more dangerous than SJ’s [– he at least has a railing for part of it!]

• The beauty and protection of HW’s umbrella

Why is Kang so “involved” in all this?

• What does he have to lose?

• Thinks SJ might replace him?

• Why not leave well enough alone?

• Appearances? How people will view him if affair comes out

• Ego?

• Sees HW as his property, sees SJ as his property, objects to control

• And what’s his motivation when he’s trying to find HW and SJ after the concert? He’s not being egged on to out their adultery yet – doesn’t he want to be at the party receiving all SJ’s kudos?

• Kang is narcissistic/it’s all about me.

○ Couldn’t care less about HW, cares about his image

○ Hollow sense of self shown in his pride in SJ’s ability, which has nothing to do with Kang

○ Never experienced HW as anything other than an empty shell, so can’t tolerate someone else experiencing that dimension of her – can’t even tolerate her consulting as a musician with Jo

○ In power-control mind, would see SJ’s relationship with HW as nothing to do with love, but as SJ one-upping him (as he does with Jo and MinWoo)

○ Would have been a dangerous mentor for SJ because he would have sabotaged SJ’s success

○ Cares too much how other people see SJ as a reflection of him, to value SJ’s true worth

• acting against his own best interest.

Did Han know DM was SJ’s gf? Purposely talk in front of her? Wang watches closely

HW and Kang’s dinner

• obviously never eat dinner together if have to plan it

○ Kang’s response of “You must be in a good mood, so why with me?” LOL! – so matter of fact

• why does she make dinner?

○ Guilty?

○ Make her house more of a home (and less like work)?

○ To placate and distract him, feed his ego

○ to manage and cover up what’s going on with her

• Nothing they say to each other is the truth, conversation is a torrent of R.S.

○ do they believe each other? Themselves?

• Does HW care that Kang drinks and pills too much?

○ Don’t think she really wants him to pass out so she can sneak out …

· … or maybe she does, and made dinner to that end – another example of her manipulating people – though she’s not pleased when he’s drunk, as he becomes even lower than his usual unliked self.

She suggested the wine, and another bottle

• She’s done with him, doesn’t care enough to nag or put effort into curtailing his drinking – as in Madhouse when no one says anything about his drinking

• why are we the viewers privy to the phone call re: his sleeping pill prescription change?

○ She checked the dosage – why? She’s trained to notice subtle details, but had missed this one

○ gave people foreboding about something sinister or tragic re: Kang and his pills+alcohol

○ required her expert and immediate attention – not one to procrastinate!

• The “Erik Satie-like decompression theme” (more on this further down in post) that plays during this scene suggests she’s managing Kang, rather than genuine concern about increased meds

Why are HW and DM so afraid of cats?!!

Ep 10 turns from dealing with the affair to dealing with the business

It would have been so easy to cover the affair: natural for HW to be excited about a prodigy, etc. – She’s so off her game. And why can YW be so open about her affair? Why such an incredible double standard?

YW gets it and is wistful about how HW and SJ fit together. (Boytoy doesn’t)

SJ’s friends don’t understand the importance of this concert night for him

That Boy

• HW notices and just goes on as a matter of course, lol!

• Did Kang see?

• [Ed. note: There actually is a quick flick of Kang’s eyes downward right after SJ bows his “gangsahamnida,” Kang’s expression is disturbed and awkward but resigned, though that could be just in response to the overall atmosphere… And his own double-take about leaving when he’s out in the hallway, right before That Boy. HW actually does a triple take! And then just shakes her head, lol! SJ looks a bit sheepish but not embarrassed]

• preceded by a parallel scene in ep. 9 (on couch with pillow, SJ “it’ll explode”), see also HW’s subsequent peals of laughter, next topic below

○ HW obviously didn’t grow up with young men around her/didn’t date much, or she wouldn’t be so clueless to tease him so

Gifts of the rewatch:

• Appreciation for @shamrockmom’s narratives and how they fill in the gaps and enhance the episode viewing

• time to consider how each was reacting to and processing what was going on between them

• effect of alternate subs on the meaning of scenes, appreciation for @seungshinl‘s priceless contributions

○ subjects and lack thereof cause ambiguity

○ affair v adultery – explaining HW’s peals of laughter when SJ said hugging in public = adultery

· HW’s hysterical laughter when overwrought, never-ending giggles dropping quickly into sadness

○ I should abstain v You should hold it in – as HW tucks her hair into her helmet

○ fling v habit – on rooftop afterward

○ my girlfriend v see you as a woman – SJ to DM

○ omission of Pogorelich – Min’s chat with Kang about Sands and Chopin

○ reminder of Amanda’s Outside Seoul interview with the Viki subbers – great discussion of subbing issues

• see or feel something new each time, shines brighter and feels warmer each time

○ “You can never step into the same stream twice.”

The brown plaid handkerchief and all its implications

Dean Min as the most sociopathic of the characters: delights in others’ predicaments, masterful in his own manipulations, charm to smooth things over

How fast SJ was to ask if HW and Prof Jo had been very close when she gave him her accompaniment recording – seemed seriously interested in who she had been close with at his age

Thinking about at what points each of them has become totally committed to their future as a couple [Ed.: note Rewatch Theme #1: Proposal theory)

• during ep 9 couch-pillow confession-adultery scene after hilarity fades to sadness (for HW), SJ brings up Aimez-Vous Brahms, in which the woman protagonist lives together with a man without getting married – first time we see him broach such a subject. HW shuts him down at once, but SJ clearly already wants to live with her.

• Does SJ bring up living together without marriage because HW is married like the character, or is he interested in living with her, not marrying her?

○ He’s an idealist, is so bereft every time she leaves, wants to be with her so deeply, wants to do everything for her and so wants to protect her – if he thought it possible, he’d marry her

○ SJ may have started thinking about marriage as early as post mahjong injury when HW called him to drive her – knowing she needs societal protection, [learning that home is like work for her], wouldn’t have slept with her if he wasn’t serious about lifetime commitment

○ She’s his Goddess, he wants to give her his All – body, mind, soul as he told Makgui Hyung

○ broached it as nonthreateningly as possible, 3rd person story, off-handed

· parallel to Ivo Pogorelich telling Aliza he’d make their marriage happen – SJ not as direct, but bet he’s thinking it

· has learned not to be so direct after experiencing her defensiveness when he is so “blazingly honest and sincere”

• Not yet thinking of them as married, because her constant leavings are too painfully real, but his heart is already there.

SJ’s delightful and delighted expressions listening to HW’s recorded accompaniment – intricate shifts, so right there.

HW’s earthquake-inducing text to SJ (after their first night):

• “I’ll take care of the messy part. That’s my expertise. Makes you squirm, right?”

• nice reversal of her “doesn’t that make your toes curl” response to his confessions to her.

OST (not on the CD): the erstwhile-called “Erik Satie-like decompression theme” plays when HW is managing Kang:

• in ep 1 when HW gets home from work (from a terrible-no-good-very-bad day), through drinking her 2 beers before going in to mollify Kang

• ep 6 when Kang creeps around to watch her going upstairs after The Hug and his questioning her about her evening out

• ep 9 during HW’s finding of Kang’s pills and calling the doctor.

• Perhaps there are themes for other characters, too

SJ’s poster for the concert

• looks like (pick one):

○ a mugshot

○ a bad driver’s license of passport photo

○ he’s wasted

• Odd since he’s so photogenic – so it’s got to be purposeful

○ mugshot: Seohan is prison-like to some of its inmates

○ deer-in-the-headlights: SJ’s experience of all this:

· heady exhiliration in being discovered, heard, and acknowledged

· distasteful gamesmanship he sees so clearly all around

· dis-acknowledgment of trying to change him to fit (clothes, eyelids, wrong teacher)

and several Coda-Variations on a Rewatch Theme through p. 677

• a throwback to Episode 3:

@telzey‘s most excellent description of the nuances of Yoo Ah In’s acting in the garage scene.

Also found here

[Ed. note: It’s awesome. If you haven’t yet, go read it! (@telzey, your writing gives me chills all over again, re-reading it). This: This is a really memorable moment, and an important moment where he, full of kinetic energy, tips over the edge and gives the rest of the drama its velocity.]

• My Sin:

@shamrockmom‘s hilarious ode to the brown plaid handkerchief!

Also found here

@docster6 researching the fictional SeoHan/Seohan University, and the real life Hanseo University in Seosan-si.

@mdj101 finding connections with other current and upcoming dramas

• SLA 6th Monthsary gift to us:

@galpianist‘s performance of her own covers of the OST’s Opening Theme

also here