The Most Passionate Moment of My Life

Author: @shamrockmom

I wrote this novelization to convince myself of what I saw long before the script translations; all the recap sites kept telling me things my eyes and mind couldn’t or wouldn’t believe.

Note: Adult Content

Seon Jae looked around, and finally found it–the pile of neatly stacked draperies he had walked by on the first day he had seen Hye Won from behind the stage curtains.  He took her hand and gently led her over to them.  She seemed to be as eager for them to be together as he was, yet Seon Jae could feel time slowing down, as his eyes adjusted to the almost complete darkness of the backstage area.  He helped her pull her jacket off, folded it, and put it on the row of  folding chairs next to them.  Hye Won slipped off her heels and he put them next to the jacket carefully so they wouldn’t fall.  He kissed her again and again, trailing kisses down to her collarbone, his hand behind her back, supporting her as he laid her down beneath him.  He felt Hye Won’s slender fingers undoing the buttons on his white dress shirt, giving him just enough freedom to move around a little bit more.  The delicate pearl buttons on her blouse seemed to have come undone of their own volition.  Seon Jae could feel the temperature around them rise, it should have been cool at night but the heavy curtains and almost complete darkness seemed to make the backstage area into a dark, safe cocoon.  A safe place where they could be alone…

Seon Jae let his fingers move downward, feeling the swell of her breast under the lace of her bra–her breast just the right size, the sensitive nipples forming under his touch, the murmur of happiness from his goddess, all this sent his senses to another faraway place.  How amazing was it that he had found her, someone who knew him inside and out, who seemed to read and understand his innermost thoughts that he himself could barely find words for.  He tucked the loose tendrils of hair that had come undone from her ponytail behind her ear, his hands caressing her face and then he moved lower.  Soen Jae breathed in her perfume, just the tiny bit left from when she put it on this morning, he thought.  The scent wrapped around him, entangling his feelings, intoxicating him.  Seon Jae brought his mouth down, first on one breast, then the other, sucking, drawing her up into him, her back arched in pleasure and even though they were both trying to be quiet, he could hear her make those soft delightful sounds he knew from before.  Seon Jae pushed her skirt up to her hips and as he did, his fingers touched the lacy tops of her stockings.  He should have guessed Hye Won would wear them; it would be just like her, keeping her allure carefully hidden from the world, only to allow it to be found by him like a hidden treasure.  He could not help himself but to touch her slender thigh with one hand, his other hand encircling her at the nape of her neck.  Beautiful, so beautiful he thought..then he felt Hye Won’s hands meet his own at his belt buckle.  Ah, he thought, this was a first, she was usually not so direct, but he gently moved her hands away and unfastened them himself as even the slightest touch to his belt buckle from his goddess would have sent him over the edge.

Hye Won wrapped her arms a little more tightly around Seon Jae, then he felt her hands move down his back and push his black dress pants down, now her hands were where the back pockets had been a few seconds ago.  Her hands pulled him in closer to her, encouraging him, removing any distance at all between them.   His fingers strayed between her legs, feeling the heat, the wetness.  Ahhh, his goddess was so sexy, so wickedly sexy and ready for him.  Seon Jae knew he could no longer think rationally, all he could do was concentrate on his beloved teacher.  He felt her shift just a bit underneath him, he entered into her warmth, and held her still for a moment, his mind reeling with the intimacy they shared, and then he began to move within her.  His goddess was so giving in this way; Seon Jae’s mind flashed back to their first time together in his rooftop home, even to this day he could remember the moment, the blinding realization that she was his woman, and his alone.  No other man had heard her cries of pleasure, felt the joy of knowing her as completely as he did, or held her while she tried to rein in her emotions, the sob that she couldn’t hold back before they joined together, and afterward….the crying that frightened Seon Jae at first until she assured him that those were indeed tears of joy.  It would be their secret, and theirs alone, a moment in time so breathtakingly intimate, and one that he replayed it in his mind, day after day.

And even now, in the backstage darkness, he knew.  He knew by the change in her breathing, her heartbeat, the bliss she was experiencing.  He knew by the way her short and elegantly manicured nails began to work up and down his back–leaving marks he could never really see but rather feel for a day or two whenever his t-shirt brushed against them…giving him a constantly distracting but blissful reminder of the passion they shared.  Again, Seon Jae focused on his goddess, trying not to make a single sound in the large auditorium so they wouldn’t be found.  Her eyes closed, her lips forming sounds he could barely hear as he lowered his head even closer to hers.  Then he felt her melt beneath him, his goddess that he wanted to give every part of his being to was instead giving him every bit of herself yet again.  He knew he was not far behind… how passionate and complete he felt showing her his love for her in this way, to feel her inner muscles tense and clench around him, driving him onward to his own bliss…

“Oh Hye-won!”  The voice of Professor Kang echoed through the empty auditorium.  Seon Jae froze, and felt Hye-won pull herself against him, as if she could disappear beneath him.  In an instant, he could feel her begin to tremble, fear and shame taking over her mind and body.  Instinctively, Seon Jae lowered himself just a fraction, as if he could protect his goddess by covering her with his own body.  It took every bit of mental strength he could summon to not show his fear to his beloved teacher; instead, he wanted to protect her, make them invisible, escape to some faraway place and away from these evil, conniving people who seemed to have his goddess trapped as their ‘elegant’ slave…

“Go to Hannom-Dong!  The Prosecutors are there!  They are looking for you–Please go!”

Hye Won closed her eyes…Seon Jae watched her face intently, as the shock and fear moved in waves over her face, one after the other, threatening to consume her.  They stayed frozen in their embrace for a few seconds more before she whispered to Seon Jae, “I have to go.”

“I know.”

“What about you?”

“I can take care of myself..”  Seon Jae whispered back.  He slid his hand behind her back, helping her sit up.  He reached for her jacket and brushed it free of any dust as she fastened the pearl buttons of her blouse in place and straightened her stockings.  Seon Jae helped her to her feet, together they adjusted her skirt and he held her hand for balance as she slipped her shoes on.

“Stay here for a few more minutes, so we aren’t seen together on the CCTV..”


Seon Jae opened the door just enough for Hye Won to slip out, her jacket in hand.  He closed the door and went back to the stack of draperies.  Sitting down, he held his head in his hands.  He felt overwhelmed, out of his league, powerless.  How did it get like this for her?  What unseen force held her in this place?  And how could someone, a simple man like he was, get her to leave this web of deceit and lies?  His thoughts seemed to pile up, a pressing weight on his heart he could not move.  Seon Jae buttoned his shirt, brushed the lint from his black pants, and left for his dressing room, moving quickly through the dimly lit and empty hallways.

The entire auditorium complex was deserted by now, only the night security lights were on now.  When he got back to the dressing room, he looked around….where was it…yes, there it was!  His backpack with his thin, worn out t-shirt, sneakers and jeans.  Seon Jae couldn’t get out of his dress shirt and pants quickly enough, yet still he folded the shirt and pants neatly, stuffing them in his backpack.  He slid his t-shirt on and buttoned up his faded blue jeans.  Putting on his jacket, and slinging his backpack over his shoulder, he left the auditorium and went outside into the night, his feet taking him to Hannom-dong with almost no conscious thought, only an deep instinct to protect the woman he loved.

Seon Jae knew it would take the better part of an hour to reach Hannom-dong on foot.  He ran through the streets and alleyways whenever he thought it would not attract attention.  In the past, running like this at night had helped clear his mind, a welcome relief from the spiraling and frightening thoughts that threatened to pull him down into the abyss, but tonight, even that did not seem to work.  Sweat began to trickle down his back, the salt stinging in the scratches Hye Won had given him earlier.  The sensation alternately accused and reproached him second by second as he moved through the streets.  When Seon Jae got to the Hannom-dong neighborhood, he saw some of the most formidable mansions he could have ever imagined, every one seemed to have tall brick walls and heavy metal gates taken straight from medieval fortresses.  Which house could it be?  Then he saw a row of black sedans, several men in suits going in and out of one of the houses.  They were carrying boxes, loading the boxes of documents into the sedans, and there was Hye Won, nervously looking on, her cellphone in hand.   He dropped back, staying hidden in the shadows under the large trees that were on the side of a slope near another home.  Seon Jae’s mind was racing, even as he forced himself to remain still and unseen.  He had to find a way, somehow, to convince his sweet goddess to give all this up and run away, far away with him.  Even if he had to give up his own dream of being a concert pianist, that would be fine.  He would not care one bit, no amount of fame or fortune was worth this.  It would all be meaningless if he could not have her by his side. They only needed each other, this he knew with complete confidence.  Somehow, if they were together, they could make it work.

2 thoughts on “The Most Passionate Moment of My Life”

  1. So beautiful! An amazingly detailed recreation of the picture created in my mind by the efforts of the Director, the Writer, Kim Hee Ae and Yoo Ah In in just those few minutes from the hand-holding scene on that sofa to the minute Prof. Kang bellowed his plea into the silent, darkened auditorium.
    Thank you! You have created such a great scene for us. This is how I was hoping our couple celebrated their success that evening alone with each other, not in a noisy café at a meaningless “after party” with the Foundation people!

